Open monday - Saturday 8 - 5 SUNDAYS 9 - 4
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Open monday - Saturday 8 - 5 SUNDAYS 9 - 4
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Organic & Natural Options
Fast acting, herbicidal soap that eliminates unwanted vegetation fast. It can be used on mulch and around planters, raised beds and containers holding flowers, ornamentals and trees without staining. Kills weeds and grasses, including dandelion, chickweed and more.
Fast acting, see reslts in 20 minutes, and kills within hours.
Pulverize® Weed Killer for Lawns uses the active ingredient iron to selectively control/supress broadleaf weeds growing in lawns. Dogs, pets and people can enter the area after product has dried. Works fast, even in cold weather, and results will be seen in hours.
Chemically made: Least harsh to most harsh
Pulverize® Weed, Brush & Vine Killer uses the active ingredients Ammoniated salts of fatty acids to burn down weeds and Maleic hydrazide to prevent regrowth. Kills the toughtest weeds, grasses and brush, including Poison Ivy*, Poison Oak*, Broom*, Kuzu*, Wild Blackberry* and others ROOTS AND ALL! Non staining. Works Quickly. Use anytime during the year.
Herbicide spreader and penetrant
IMAGE® Brush & Vine Killer Concentrate is a postemergent, non-selective herbicide for use on unwanted brush and vines. Brush and vines are killed completely with no regrowth from the roots. The treated area can be replanted in just one month.
Apply IMAGE Brush & Vine Killer anytime brush is actively growing
Kill unwanted weeds and grasses with Noxall Vegetation Killer. This non-selective product destroys all vegetation in its path and is ideal for spreading on walkways, along fences and under decks. This proprietary formula kills existing vegetation down to the roots and prevents re-growth for one year.
Ready-to-use granules - use to kill unwanted weeds and grasses. Prevents re-growth for up to 1 year.
Casoron granules help provide season-long control of annual grassy and broad-leaf weeds and certain perennial weeds.
Apply to soil to help prevent weeds and grass.
Sprinkle around roses, trees and shrubs for application.
Designed to help prevent the growth of 52 different weeds and grasses. One application can provide weed control up to a full season.
Always use caution when adding chemicals to the environment!